hi people! here are my thanksgiving & prayer requests!
1. Thank God that my Q.T is much better recently, esp these few days.(I've actually stopped doing Q.T regularly for quite long.) I've also learnt much from the Q.T material that I'm using now - Be Satisfied (old testament study - Ecclesiastes) by Warren W.Wiersbe. I'll try to post some of my Q.T reflections after my midyear exam k(:
2. Pray 4 my midyear exam please. Feeling very stressed as the exam is approaching and it seems I can never finish my revision, not even half. Here is the exam-time table: 18/5 - H1 GP Paper 1 [8-930am] H1 GP Paper 2 [1015-1145am] H2 ECON Paper 2(essay!!!) [1-315pm] 19/5 - H1 MATH [8-11am] 21/5 - H2 GEOG Paper 1 [1-4pm] 25/5 - H2 CHINESE (language) Paper 1 [1-415pm] 26/5 - H2 ECON Paper 1 [8-1015am] H2 GEOG Paper 2 [1-4pm] 27/5 - H2 CHINESE (literature) Paper 2 [1-4pm]
PS: Those that in bold are the tough papers for me, which is highly content-based & lots of writing.
3. Pray that I won't fall sick during this exam period and I'll continue to spend time with God & rely on Him. (:
4. Also thank God that my A'level exam fees is settled now & my mum's health is better recently. Pray 4 my grandpa, having some family matters to settle.
thankyou everyone(:
Posted by jiaxin at 1:35 AM.
a group of fellow strugglers,
grasping for His daily grace.
a group of fellow sojourners,
gazing towards the eternal home.
a group of fellowshippers,
learning how to love one another.
a group of fellow disciples,
seeking to show others the treasure that is Christ.
But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy,
made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgression
-it's by grace you have been saved." Ephesians 2:4-5