Tuesday, April 14, 2009.
Faith in Future Grace VS Coverousness
By Pastor John Piper

The reasosn for us to start or continue the fight for our faith in future grace is that we will not see the Lord without the practical holiness. "Strive for peace with all men and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord" (Hebrews 12:14). However, many Christians live in a way that neglect it totally in an unholy way. We are not saved just because we once prayed to receive Jesus, but the genuineness of this experience has to be proven by endurance: "He who endures to the end will be saved" (Matthew 24:13). "If we live according to flesh we will die" (Romans 8:13)
Second reason is that we pursue it the holiness so hard by the works without faith that it backfires and leads to death.
So, what is covetousness?
"It is desiring something so much that you lose your contentment in God. Or losing your contentment in God so that you start seek it elsewhere." It is well-defined by Pastor Piper.
He lists 7 warning to the covetousness-destroying promises:
1. Couvetousness never brings satisfaction
"He whi kives money will not be satisfied with money; nor he who loves abundance with its income: this is also vanity" (Ecclesiastes 5:10)
Jesus warns," Beware of all covetousness; for a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.: (Luke 12:15)

2. Covetousness chokes off spiritual life
"The seed fell among thorns, and the thorns came up and choked it... thw worries of the world, and the decietfulness of riches, and the desires for other things." (Mark 4;1-20)

3. Covetousness spawns many other sins
"The love of money is the root of all evils" (1Timothy 6:10)

4. Covetousness lets you down when you need help most
"We brought nothing into the world and we cannot take anything out of the world." (1Timothy 6:7)

5. In the end covetousness destroys the soul
"Thos who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and hurtful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction." (1Timothy 6:9)

Therefore, Pastor Piper teaches to see it as a roaring, starving lion escaped from the zoo, and do what we normally do, to flee from it.
If it continues the pursue, preach to yourself the mantle of prayer: "[O Lord], incline my heart to Thy testimonies and not to dishonest gain." Psalm 119:36
Then, took two cutlasses from the armory of God:
A short one,
"There is great gain in godliness with contentment." 1Timothy 6:6
and a long one,
"Let your character be free from the love of moey, being content with what you have; for He Himself has said, 'I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you,' so that we confidently say, 'The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid. What shall man do to me?'" Hebrews 13:5-6
Use these to preach to our souls and thrust them at the attacking greed!

Posted by CCH at 3:27 PM. 0 comments

Sunday, April 12, 2009.
Jesus death medically explained
Since its Good Friday i thought it would be apt to share this article with you all. Its too long to post on the blog so i'll just put the link here. Do go read it if you have time. Basically this article is approached from the perspective of how a physician would assess the injuries of Jesus if he were there to see the actual physical trauma he experienced. We all know how Jesus died on the cross for our sins. But exactly how did he die and what suffering he had to go through? After reading it i gained a greater understanding of what Christ actually went through for me. I hope it will touch you as much as it did to me.

Blessed easter,

Posted by Anonymous at 5:02 PM. 1 comments

Monday, April 6, 2009.
Faith in Future Grace V.S. Pride
God has used this chapter to reveal a long deep problem that hides in me for past 23 years, it is pride.

By Pastor John Piper
'Pride is a turning away from God specifically to take satisfaction in self... its antidote is the wakening and strengthening of faith in future grace.'
Therefore, it is not just a normal battle, but fight to severe the root of unbelief!
G. K. Chesterton, the British Catholic journalist-author warned us,
'What we suffer from... is humility in the wrong place. Modesty has moved from the organ of ambition. Modesty has settled upon the organ of conviction; where it was never meant to be. A man was meant to be doubtful about himself, but undoubting about truth; this has been exactly reversed. Nowadays the part of a man that a man does assert is exactly the part he ought not to assert - himself. The part he doubts is exactly the part he ought not to doubt - the Divine Reason.'
'Pride is an issue of where your satisfaction is... So the trust that looks away from our own resources and rests in God is what I mean by faith in future grace. This is the remedy for pride.'
And pride comes in strong and also in weak. Boasting is the response of a pride of success while self-pity is the response of pride to suffering. Boasting says, "I deserve admiration because i have achieved so much." Self-pity says, 'I deserve admiration because i have sacrificed so much."

Finally, in the grace of God that He opens my eyes to see the stronghold of pride that has built in me for such a long time. God has been given me so much blessings that i took it as products of mine.
I am proud of my smartness: I can understand many things much faster than my classmates. I find short-cut to get things done. Therefore, i spent much time to slack, to play and to waste.
I am proud of my effort: I think i can, so i do what i want to do. Therefore, i make my plan rather than God's.
It is specially bad if it happens in my attitude to God and serving. I think i know the sermon so that i will not listen. I think how the things work, so i do not like advices from others.
Lord, thank you for letting me to see the unbelief in me. Help me, as i know i cant do it by myself! Your grace is sufficient!
Posted by CCH at 8:12 PM. 0 comments

Saturday, April 4, 2009.
Future Grace - The Debtor's Ethic: Why should we try to pay God back?
By Pastor John Piper.

Gratitude corresponds to grace, "gratis".
It is the emotion that rises joyfully in response to something "gratis".
Debtor's ethic is produced when the gratitude is twisted into a sense of debt, the effect will nullify grace.
It is not wrong to feel grateful for receiving a gift, but it is wrong if we owe a 'gift' to return favor.
We do not owe anything to God as all things are given to us in grace.
However, ingratitude is a problem as we are not moved by God's past grace to trust more in God's future grace!
Future grace is the key power in overcoming rebellion and motivate obedience, not gratitude.
'True gratitude exults in the riches of God's grace as it looks back on the benefits it has received. By cherishing past grace in this way, it inclines the heart to trust in future grace....therefore, gratitude sends its impulses of delight into faith in future grace.'
Much are given to us by God and the greatest grace is His Son Jesus Christ to us.
However, do we really treasure and feel grateful in the gift?
Or we continue our own way such as study and career, so to neglect the precious gift from God that holds all the promise for us.
Wake up your ideas please! What kind of Christian have you been?
Do you really know what is the point of spending so much time to study, even sacrifice the sleep and health, yet you use time on Sun to rest by skipping service or fellowship. Hello! What kind of excuse are you giving? You are a Christian student, nothing else!
Yes, study is important! But how much time you spend with God everyday? Is He still the Lord and Master of your life? If it is not His grace, i think i will have attended your wake service not long ago.
All the excuse for study, but you can spend time to read manga, to watch soccer and play computer games! What the heck are you thinking?
Do not dishonor the name of Christians!
Spend time and reflect in God.
Posted by CCH at 10:10 PM. 0 comments

Be Humble
A proud heart is like a cup of water,
It is left there and stale.
Never can it take any more fresh water.
We never renew in God,
Who is the only ongoing, refreshing living water
That provides us eternal joy forever!
Posted by CCH at 10:02 PM. 0 comments

a group of fellow strugglers,
grasping for His daily grace.
a group of fellow sojourners,
gazing towards the eternal home.
a group of fellowshippers,
learning how to love one another.
a group of fellow disciples,
seeking to show others the treasure that is Christ.

But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgression -it's by grace you have been saved." Ephesians 2:4-5

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