Wednesday, December 31, 2008.
The Pleasure of God in Personal Obedience and Public Justice
I have never expected myself to post on this blog.
However, Pei En has encouraged me for quite long that i decided to share a short article from my Quiet Time.
I will just post the summary of the personal obedience as this chapter from Pleasure of God by John Piper is really long.
Here we go:
'Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.' 1 Sam 15:22
God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.
Why is God so displeased with disobedience?
1. It shows a misplacement of fear.
2. It shows a misplacement of pleasure.
3. It shows a misplacement of praise.
4. Disobedience is as the sin of divination.
5. Disobedience is idolatry.
Is it good news to hear that God is pleased by obedience? Yes.
1. It means He is praiseworthy and reliable.
2. Everything God commands is for our good.
3. His commandments are not too hard for us.
4. The obedience He loves is the obedience of faith.
It is indeed tiring if we try to live the obedience from our own effort. For salvation is not a one stage process where we transit to the stage of obedience. Salvation is an on-going process till the day we meet God again. Therefore, we are sanctified to learn to obey.
Obedience is the fruit of faith.
"In Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything but faith working through love." Galatian 5:6
"Even so faithm if it has no works, is dead being by itself." James 2:17
Grace is the power that pushes us through faith to obey.
Therefore, faith is defined: The satisfied assurance that God will work things out in the future better than i could work them out by relying on myself or be departing from the path of obedience.
God is happy with our obedience when our obedience is the overflow of out happiness with God.
God is delighted with our obedience when it is the fruit of our delight in Him.
Our obedience is God's pleasure when it proves that God is our treasure.
This is good news, because it means very simply that the command to obey is the command to be happy in God.
Posted by
CCH at 10:28 AM.
Saturday, December 20, 2008.

Hey! Just thought i'd put a short post to share a bit about the camp i went for in cameron highlands last week from 7-13th dec. Its a vcf annual teach-in camp and for those of you who don't know vcf stands for varsity christian fellowship. Yup i thank god i learnt so much during that time. Not only from all the theme talks and workshops but also from my peers as well. Its hard to find so many christians of various denominations coming together to worship and all of them have so much more passion and desire to study God's word than i do. Yeah so this is my anntic group and we had quite a good time of sharing and bible study over the 5 days. The theme for this camp was "Quest for the answer", studying the book of ecclesiastes. Its a strange book cos if you read it, it seems almost like a journal, or a professional blog entry. And its pretty confusing to try to understand the author's chain of thought cos he just keeps saying that everything is meaningless. Haha so we were kindda stumped at first but tried to draw some lessons from the book esp to how we wanna live our life. Well hopefully i can put some of it into practice. During the camp, i attended 2 workshops- science vs religion and denominations, both of which were pretty info heavy but at least now i'm not so ignorant about it anymore. haha. I felt really refreshed after the camp and hopefully it'll last me thru the new year. Pity i can't go for it again next year cos i won't have a one month break anymore in dec but thank god for the opportunity to go this time round. Its been pretty awesome!
Posted by
Anonymous at 9:33 PM.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008.
thanksgiving & prayer request (:
Hi folks!
heh, I'm proud to be the 2nd members of the grp to post! Well, I actually told Pei En that I'll post my Q.T since last mth, but I'm very sorry I still hav not done it yet as I've been procrastinating.HAHA. So now I shall post abt my thanksgiving & prayer request here first.
As all of you know, I went to Japan last wk. I was shock to see some of the bro & sis-in-Christ came to the airport & send me off last sunday, and I truly appreciate it! (including those who cant make it but smsed me)
PS: Uncle James is taking the photo. (I noticed him from far when they are still looking for me.HAHA)

Really thank God that all of us are able to go to Japan even though our SIA flight was cancelled due to the thailand situation, however we managed to change to JAL. Thank God that everyone is back to Singapore safely on sunday night.(Even though none of us want to come back=P)
Also, thank God that the weather through out the whole trip was good, everyday is sunny except the day when we visit Kyoto(a place with the nicest scenery.T__T), it was raining almost the whole day, so I was freezing with my wet shoes & socks=( Although it was cold in Japan, the temperature was kind of fluctuating, I managed to survive without falling sick, really thank God for the good health. Of course, I also thank God for the GOOD FOOD we had! Almost every meal is different kind of Japanese food.(Don't be jealous as I believed I've put on weights.)
Thank God for the whole trip, it was an eye open with many great experiences, good time with my schoolmates & many lessons learnt. No worry, I'll share more in details and show all of you our photos taken in Japan soon(:
Hmmm. please pray for my internship, it'll start on 17/12, next wed until next yr 9/1, from 9:30am to 6pm. My workplace is really far, it is at Bukit Batok, so I'll have to travel at least 1.5 hrs there. I've been complaining abt the internship actually, as it takes up almost my whole "holiday". I'm worried that I'll not have time to finish my homework & revise my J1 work since I need to travel so far everyday, and by the time back home it would be very late. This is a test of time-management for me, so pray that I'll really use my time wisely EVERYDAY. Also pray for good health, I am not sure whether the work will be demanding, hope that I won't be very tired after work. Please also pray for the Night trail, for the planning, weather and responses. Pray that I will have enough energy to go for Night trail as I've internship that day and I won't have time to go home and rest before I come.
Yup, I guess that's all for now as I need to restrain myself from posting too much personal stuff. HAHA. Now off to chalet! CYA:DLabels: prayer, thanksgiving
Posted by
jiaxin at 12:24 PM.
Monday, December 8, 2008.
my update and prayer request
hello folks! as mentioned in the 1st post, we can post our prayer requests here as well, especially if we want to elaborate a little more... i noticed that no one has done so yet.. so well, i'll start it then..
last week was tiring and boring to the max in reservist.. but thank God for His grace and providence, for those encouraging msges i received and for reminding me to be thankful for much. in particular, want to give thanks for that i went through the platoon live firing safely.. the weather was terrible though, extremely humid and with a MDI (mosquito density index) of 10 per square metre. even after applying three types of insect repellent, i ended up with multiple bites here and there...
also want to thank God for the break of two days - although sunday and today passed by real fast, and im still very tired - at least i got some time out with brothers and sisters in Christ, and time to lie on my comfy and cosy bed rather than the dusty old mattress in camp..
as for the rest of the week, do pray that i'll go through everything with a positive attitude and good testimony.. am trying to share to a friend inside, so pray for opportunities.. i'll be having training outfield and a field camp, so it'll be pretty sian again: hot, sticky, maybe wet, humid, tired, hungry, and seemingly pointless waiting and waiting - another week of these to go. pray i'll depend on His strength throughout.
cant wait to get out by sat evening and see everyone again! and to those from my group who're reading this - it's ur turn to post!!Labels: prayer, update
Posted by
philotheos at 10:56 PM.